Girl Scout Day Camp

Registration is Open!
What to Bring and What to Wear to camp

What's the Girl Scout Motto? That's right, BE PREPARED!
What to Bring :
Remember to label everything!!
LUNCH - Insulated lunch bag with ice pack. All items including disposables must be brought home each day. Please be aware that refrigeration is not available.
MEDICATIONS must be in the original container with the camper's name and the name and strength of the medication. A signed Health History & OTC form must accompany all medications. All medications will be turned into the Health Director at the beginning of camp or the start of each day. It is the camper's responsibility to pick up any medications at the end of the day and/or at the end of camp. Campers who require inhalers and/or bee sting kits may carry them on their person during the day with written permission from their parent/guardian and after the Health Director has cleared them to do so. The Health Director will ensure the camper knows how to use the medication properly prior to giving the camper clearance.
FRIDAY is SWAPS DAY -. A "Special Whatchamacallit Affectionately Pinned Somewhere" If your camper wishes to participate, please make about 25 to 30. Please bring them in a baggie with her name.
What to wear
Remember to label everything!!
Long or short pants
Camp Shirt or similar
Tennis shoes (or similar) with socks. Shoes with open toes or backs & sandals are not permitted due to safety reasons..
Jacket, sweatshirt, or rain gear as appropriate - dress in layer
Because some camp areas may contain poison oak, blackberries, and stinging nettles, it is important that the camper is dressed appropriately. Campers arriving in sandals or open toed / healed shoes will be excluded from activities until a parent/guardian furnishes them with shoes and socks. It is highly recommended that campers wear bug spray and suntan lotion. Campers may bring sunblock and bug spray (labeled with the camper's name) to turn in to the Health Director. Campers will not be allowed to apply lotions to each other; the Health Director will assist the camper in applying sunblock or bug spray.