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Registration Forms

All payments (including Program Credits) must be in by May 20th to reserve a spot in camp!


*2025 Cookie Credits are accepted*


1. FORMS: Fill out

Camper Registration Form - All campers need to submit this form

      0pen and complete by typing in the fillable answers.

     To get the Volunteer Discount, check "Child of Camp Volunteer".

     State if using cookie credits, even if you do not have the card number yet.

     After filling in the information, download the form "with changes" to your computer.

Health History, Camper Release, Behavior Agreement, and Share My Camper Forms

     All campers need to submit these forms.

     Use this same procedure as above.

PA/CIT Application, if applicable. (PAITs do NOT need to fill out this form.)

     Use this same procedure as above.

     This form helps us place you in a unit of your choice.



Attach all of your saved finished forms to an email and send them to

When your registration is received, you will receive an email stating that we've received your forms.



All campers need to scroll down to the Camp Registration Fee Section below. 

Then fill out the form and summit payment or no payment if using cookie credits.

Email the card number as soon as you receive it with the amount you wish to use.

If it does not cover the registration fee in full, we will send an email with a balance code to be paid at this site. 

Upon request, you could pay by check.

For registration questions please contact the Camp Registrar, Nina at 360-513-2408.

If you need financial assistance for your camper, please submit the Campership Application along with the registration forms.  Camp Segonku wants to allow all girls the opportunity to come to camp.

Program Age Levels
Camper's Grade in Fall '25


                           CAMPERS: $100

                                     Grade 1 - Daisies                       Grades 2-3 - Brownies

​                                     Grades 4-5 - Juniors                  Grade 6 - LIA

                            PAITs and PAs: $75

                                      7th grade or older (if not completed approved PAIT Training)

                                      8th-10th grade or older (pre-requisite: completed approved PAIT Training.

                             CITs: $30

                                     11th-12th grade with minimum 1-year  experience as a PA

                             TAGALONGS: $30     CAMP VOLUNTEERS ONLY

 Boys & Girls 3yrs - Kindergarten            Boys -1st - 6th grade

 *PAs wishing to earn their PA pin must have completed PAIT training and

earned their LIA  patch.

GSUSA  Membership

If your camper is not a currently registered member of Girl Scouts of the USA, you will need to register her here and pay the $25 GSUSA membership dues.  All campers must be members for insurance purposes.  The annual membership runs from October 1 to September 30 yearly. It is non-refundable.

Camp Registration Fees

2025 Cancellation / Refund Policy


  • Parent cancellations received before April 15th will have camp fees fully refunded

  • Parent cancellations received before June 10th will be refunded, minus a $35.00 cancellation fee.

  • No refunds will be issued for parent cancellations after June 10th. 

  • If it is necessary for Camp Segonku to cancel camp for any reason after June 10th, camp will make arrangements for you to pick up her "Camp in a Box" kit from us. It contains her t-shirt, patch, craft supplies and instructions and much more.

  • The $25 Girl Scout National Membership Dues is non-refundable at any time.

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