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You do not have to be a parent of a camper in order to volunteer.   Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings, friends, teachers, nurses, retired adults, college students, and more are part of the wonderful variety of volunteers at Camp Segonku. 

**A Full-week volunteer will receive a $10 discount towards one of their

1st - 10th grade Girl Scout campers.**


NEW THIS YEAR: If the FULL WEEK VOLUNTEER registers between March 1st-7th, they will receive an additional $10 discount towards one of their

1st - 6th grade Girl Scout campers.


The only requirements are:


  • 18 years old by camp start date

  • Pass a background check

  • Willing to Register as an Adult Girl Scout*

  • Register as an Adult Volunteer on this page

  • Take two FREE online trainings

  • Attend camp in-person training; or make arrangements to get information and supplies. Date and time to be announced later.


*GSUSA Annual Membership dues are $25.  If you become a GSUSA Member specifically to volunteer at Camp Segonku for the entire week, Camp Segonku will reimburse you after you've finished volunteering at the end of the week.  


**You must put a checkmark on the box "Child of Camp Volunteer" on the Camper Registration form (when you register your child) and enter the coupon code*** when paying to get this discount.


*Coupon code-ONLY FOR FULL WEEK CAMP VOLUNTEERS  (grade 7-10)



*Coupon code ONLY FOR FULL WEEK VOLUNTEERS (grade 1-6)


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"Cookie" , "Lotus" , and "Llama" 

Daisy Unit Leaders 2022


"Rocky" is a teacher, mother of four, and a long-time volunteer at Camp Segonku.  She shares her love of outdoor cooking with the campers.  

Building girls
of courage, confidence, and   character

"Butternut" (upper left) has been volunteering at Camp Segonku since her daughter "Bombshell" (middle) was a young camper.  "Bombshell" loved making new friends and  eventually became the Camp Director in 2018.  

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"Peeps" and "Stroganoff" 

Hog Trough Buddies 2023

            WHAT ARE CAMP NAMES?  

It's a tradition at Camp Segonku to come up with your own camp name that is always used at camp, year after year.  You can choose anything you want, so have fun and be creative. However, if a volunteer, PA , or CIT already has the name you want, unfortunately you will need to change it. We would hate to confuse everyone. We have found that we often use camp names whenever we bump into each other outside of camp. 😊

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Step 1

Membership & Background Check

           Traffic Monitors

Boys / Widget Unit Volunteers

Daisy Unit Volunteers (Grade 1)

Brownie Unit Volunteers (Grades 2-3)

Junior Unit Volunteers (Grades 4-5)

LIA Volunteers (Grade 6)


If you have any questions about these positions, click on the pdf below or please email us at or text/call Michele Becker at 925-788-4060.

If you are a registered member of Girl Scouts of the USA, skip to Step 2. 

If you are not currently registered (current registration goes from Oct 1, 2024 to Sept 30,2025), please create an account, specifying you're volunteering as a Friends and Family Member, and pay the GSUSA Membership dues of $25.





After you purchase your Adult GSUSA Membership, print a copy of your $25 receipt to bring to camp, and as a full-week volunteer, you will receive reimbursement on Friday.

New members who register as a volunteer with GSUSA will receive email information about submitting a background check after completing their online registration. If you do not select a volunteer role during registration you will not automatically receive an email to complete a background check.  Current members who are new to a volunteer position and current volunteers who must renew their background check will be sent an email with a personalized link and instructions on completing or renewing their background check.

Individuals who do not have a Social Security number must submit a paper background check form. Email to request the form in English or Spanish.

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Former campers Dolphin and Superfly are now  Volunteer Unit Leaders.

Step 2

Camp Forms
  • Adult Unit Placement is on a first-come first-choice basis, so register early.

  • Open and Complete the forms below by typing in the fillable answers. 

  • After filling in the information, download the form "with changes" to your computer and attach them to an email and send it to






Step 3

Online Trainings

Sign in to your account at Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington.  A new page should appear with "Welcome Your Name!"  and tap on the My Account menu option then scroll down to gsLearn on the left sidebar.  This will take you to the classes you are required to take as a Friends and Family Volunteer.  If you have problems try this link for Getting Started.

664 GSOSW Foundations and 664 GSOSW Mandatory Reporter Training for Volunteers. Once you've taken these classes, you will find them in the ACHIEVEMENTS section of your profiler and GSOSW will inform us that you are able to begin volunteering at camp! 


Volunteer Co-Directors Twilight and Stilts 2012

Step 4

In-Person Training AT CAMP

This training is for all Camp Segonku volunteers and is highly recommended in order to make your week of volunteering more successful.  You will meet other volunteers, learn how camp will be set up, and go over the activities and crafts with the planners and Program Aides.  This training may be outside so please dress accordingly.  If for any reason you cannot attend, please notify the Camp Director to make other arrangements.  


Date not yet set

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